Originally Posted By: MooseTracks
Thanks to all for the compliments. Once again, I'm blown away by the kindness shown me here.

As for anything "about" me: I'm just the luckiest girl in the world. I found my happiness, and have the opportunity to pursue my passion every day, both in my work as a Physical Therapist and as a mountaineer. My philosophy is simple: take every opportunity you can in life and run with it.

As for the reasons I don't post anymore, frankly, that's no one's business but my own. I have no desire to reopen old wounds, start trouble/drama, or insult individuals.

I wish everyone safe journeys and grand adventures,


You are a lucky girl, I wish I could get out so often. It looks like you are making the best of it.

As far as the posting goes, don't you know that trouble and drama and insults are what it's all about? That, and a few ego-maniacs trying to one-up each other with stories of faster speeds on a route or knowing more about water treatment than the other, etc etc. It's the best! wink