The chute is the only way until the trail is beaten in by the persistent. At my last look, the snowpack in the southern Sierra was 160% of normal for that date. What that will become in late June is anyone's guess at this time. It all depends on the spring heat.
Only you can make the call, whether or not you should or should not climb the chute. All we can do is offer advice based on experience. I always advise, come go as far as you can safely descend. You will have a good time. However, coming from the east with all the associated expense, I would think twice about doing it, if it were me.
Many people do the chute with zero experience but it is not something I can recommend, I've seen one too many accidents in these conditions, including a one of my own.
Like Steve, I do not believe roping up group of inexperienced folks is wise.
Last edited by wbtravis; 05/12/11 08:03 PM.