Just to be clear, the chute is the alternate way to get from Trail Camp to Trail Crest in case the "99 Switchbacks" are impassible, correct?

As for the ice axe issue, none of us have been trained to do self-arrests, so if the only way up is via the chute, would it be smart to turn back?

We are very aware of present dangers during our adventures and never push ourselves into dangerous situations. We know when to turn back, and are not overconfident. With that being said, is this something that only experienced ice climbs should attempt? We would feel confident on most any slope that was less than a 45 degree incline.

We know it is impossible to tell what the weather or snow level will be on our trip, but just recommendations on different situations would be helpful. Would lashing the group together be a good idea, in case one person slips, the weight of everyone else will prevent the slip turning into a fall?

Thanks for all the responses so far!!