Stupid boast? Many people hike up AND down. That was the plan for the group hike I was penciled in for. Up AND down. The group changed the date for better conditions and it conflicted with a scout event. We already had plans for the boy to bail at the tram if I wasn't 110% sure he had it in him.

I don't know the C2C2C mileage, but I've day hiked Forester Pass for Roads End many times - 42 miles 8,000 feet of gain.

I did Onion Valley to Roads End AND back as a day hike. That's some pretty good elevation for a day AND the hard part is getting back. That's like 44 miles or so IIRC.

So when I do try C2C2C I will hike up and then back down as I always do, unless I have a medical emergency. You'll NEVER see me on a tram to get up or down a mountain.

To each his own, your mileage may vary, etc.................DUG