Here is a table Pete and VersatileFred created in another location: Note: This trail-video-documenting was done a few years ago at the end of October (just before the first arrival of snow), and under most favorable weather conditions without any wind and no snow or ice on the trail, except for some ice at the cables. The video makes it look easy, but high altitude and inclement weather could make it a tough and very long 22 mile (round-trip) hike.
BeachAV8R has created a 3-part video of his winter climb with members of WPSMB. Part 1 and 1:50 of Part 2 is a climb of Thor Peak the day before. Part 2 covers the MR from LBSL. 5:00 is at Iceberg Lk, 5:15-7:00 top of the notch. Part 3 is at the summit, then taking the main trail down almost to Trail Camp. Here are the wmv videos -- may require a very fast connection, or right click and 'Save as': Part 1 (178MB)Part 2 (217MB)Part 3 (60MB) The same videos are on YouTube, faster loading and playing, but Parts 1 and 2 are without sound. Part 1Part 2Part 3
Andy L, romanandrey on wpsmb, used a helmet cam to record part of his Fresh Air Traverse climb of Mt. Whitney's east face, with Kurt Wedberg of SMI guiding.
You can view the video on YouTube, or watch below.
Andy discusses the video on wpsmb here. He says "the camera is a VholdR ContourHD, shooting 720p HD video."
That is all fantastic stuff. I loved watching Hike Along Pete's videos when I was researching my 1st summit attempt.I watched it over and over familarizing myself with the trail. It was amazing how it made me feel like I had been there before and was just returning to familar trail.
Here is a great video from Friends Of The Inyo. Although not directed toward Mt. Whitney, it displays so much of the diverse, beautiful scenery and wildlife found on the Sierra east side. So much, along with pleasant music!
got some HD videos of my kids on the JMT posted here, with Mt. Whitney stuff only in the 2009 clips. Silverlight and Flash - need to go full screen to see in 720p
Last summer we celebrated the 50th anniversary of our 1st Whitney summit, and last weekend we had a "Family Film Festival", where we were all able to watch the various videos we created for this special event.
My nephew, Wesley, posted his on YouTube - it's only two minutes and very much in the style of the old "newsreels" we used to see in the theater before the feature movie. He did a great job with his "voice over" in the style of Lowell Thomas and the black and white effects look really authentic.
It's probably one of the most clever Whitney videos I've seen, here's the link:
Note: Everyone BEWARE! People have died attempting to glissade on Mt. Whitney! Here are some guidelines:
1. Never glissade wearing crampons. (see BobR's x-ray)
2. Never glissade without an ice axe for a brake.
3. On Mt. Whitney, the top of the slope can be soft, but iced-up below, since the afternoon sun shadow starts at the bottom and moves up. So late afternoon can be treacherous.
4. Learn and practice self-arrest techniques and glissading before trying to glissade from Trail Crest on Mt. Whitney.