Originally Posted by Eddie explores
After your trip would you mind returning here to report on the conditions? I’m headed up there the 24th, so I also want to know the conditions.

Have a safe trip

Wanted to give you a trip/conditions report.... The gate is still closed as of June 13/14. The hike from the gate to Long Lake is snow free. Muddy in some locations. Lots of water up to the lakes basin so you dont need to carry much water weight until you start up New Arm Pass. Mosquitoes are not an issue yet but they are out. New Army Pass is snow free until the final 50' where you will encounter a wall of snow. Avoid the small cornice as it looks like it could fall any day. There are existing tracks in the snow that you can use to get up the final 50'. Most people were using traction of some sort for this section but it is doable without traction if you're careful. I highly recommend traction, especially if you hit this section after it has iced up in the afternoon. From the top of NAP to the summit there are a few patches of snow you can walk around. Almost no snow the last mile to the summit, just gotta deal with the sand and scree.