Here are the steps to upload your pictures.
Note: First, your pictures must be accessible on your computer. Do this by either connecting your camera to the computer via a USB wire, or getting the memory chip from your camera and inserting it into a chip-reader slot on your computer.
1. Click on the
Picture Gallery forum
2. Click on
New Image. (You must be registered and logged in to post.)
3. Type a subject entry. The subject text appears below every picture in the group.
4. Type a description of the set of pictures in the message box (it cannot be blank).
5. Below the text window, click on "Image Manager".
6. A different window pops up, titled File Manager. Click "Browse"
7. A "browsing window" opens allowing you to navigate to folders and devices connected to your computer. This may be difficult for some, since you need to understand how to find the directory or folder where the pictures are on your computer, or to find the camera connection to the computer.
Once you find the desired image, select it by double clicking the file name. The browsing window closes, and the path and filename of the picture is loaded in the text box to the left of the Browse button.
You can enter a Caption for the picture in the File Manager window. It displays below the subject entry when the someone views your pictures.
8. Click "Add file". The text area with the filename clears. This process takes some time, since the picture is being uploaded at this point.
9. Add many pictures to the same "Image" so they're all together. Repeat the Browse, select, Add file sequence (steps 6,7,8 above) several times to load several pictures.
10. When done adding ALL the pictures, click "Done adding files".
11. Click Submit to post your message and pictures so everyone can see them.
Good luck!
~~~~ Adding pictures to an existing set in the Picture Gallery ~~~~Please try to add new pictures to an existing gallery rather than creating a new post for each picture.1. Find your set of pictures in the Picture Gallery area.
2. Click the picture or the title below it.
3. Below the "Thumbnail / Medium / Full" information, click the Edit button. If there is no Edit button, the time limit to edit a post has passed. Create a new picture gallery.
4. The Edit Post window displays. Click the "Image Manager" link below the text window.
5. Follow steps 5 - 10 above to add more pictures.
6. Click the "Change Post" button to complete your updates.
(If I can improve these instructions, please make suggestions.)
There is a link to this topic at the top of the Picture Gallery.