Thanks for inquiring!
He did have a good trip -- Once he switched to the bicycle, he rode about 50 miles a day coming down the Hwy 1 from Oak Harbor, WA. He had fun camping for cheap in lots of state park campgrounds -- bicycles are charged about $4 per night. He complained of being cold and not seeing the sun for days on end, until the last two days south of
San Francisco.
We drove over to Morrow Bay, and met him as he rolled into
Cayucos at the pier. He spent the night there with his wife's relatives, and we brought him back to Fresno. He then made it home to MI, in time to start his school-teaching job.
He's back riding his mountain bike around Ann Arbor, and getting ready for his next big adventure: His wife is expecting, due in March. (They're crazy! She finishes dental school in April, and THEN they're moving back to the west coast somewhere. ...with the newborn in tow!)
I have not checked lately, but the woman they started the PCT with is STILL hiking south! "La Machine" Adrienne (3rd from left here)

is still hiking.
...Just checked
Darren B's Spot location, and it shows him at Walker Pass (Hwy 178 out of Bakersfield and Lake Isabella) on Oct 10, 2 days ago. He may be hiking with Adrienne, too.
Adrienne's blog shows her latest entry, a watercolor from Edison Lake, Sept 27, two weeks ago now: