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 Re: Face Masks?!
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So, how to hike wearing a face mask?
I'd rather hike with a mask than to have the trails closed and not be able to hike at all.
 Re: Face Masks?!
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The order says you don't need a mask while hiking, running, or exercising if you can maintain > 6 ft distance from people you don't live with.
It seems to me to be a common-sense "okay if we start to open up y'all need to be safe when in close contact with others" order.
Last edited by Ian B; 05/09/20 10:47 AM.
 Re: Face Masks?!
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Mono County is about the same: https://webapps.mono.ca.gov/COVIDDocs//P...lic%20Order.pdf"Facial coverings are not required under the following circumstances: •A person is outdoors and unlikely to interact with people who are not members of their household unit,except at a distance of more than six feet.Though it is prudent and courteous to wear a face covering when passing others on trails, multi-use paths or sidewalks. •A person is performing work in a room or location that is physically separated from other persons by walls or other impermeable barriers. •When in the sole company of members of their own household unit. •A person is the sole occupant of a vehicle or is sharing a vehicle only with members of his or her own household unit.In addition, please note: •Persons working outdoors shall wear face coverings when within six feet of any other person,or in any situation where the individual could contaminate a surface or object with which other persons come in contact. In all other circumstances, persons working outdoors are strongly encouraged to wear face coverings. •Retail and other businesses open to the public shall require customers or patrons to wear face coverings. All staff interacting with the public are required to wear face coverings. •Employees at restaurants and other establishments providing for on-site food consumption (upon authorization to open) shall wear face coverings. Patrons at those establishments are strongly encouraged to wear face coverings while not eating or drinking.Distance. Wash. Stay Home and #CoverUpMono!" Dale B. Dalrymple
 Re: Face Masks?!
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A study of 7,000 people who were positive for coronavirus was done to trace how they became infected. While in close proximity outdoors, two became infected. All others were infected indoors by the typical known sources. That's two out of 7,000. Also, think of what happens to a lungful of exhaled smoke outdoors and how quickly it dissipates with the breeze to get an idea of how a contagious person's breath would be dispersed. As a retired RN, I'm a helluva lot more worried about being infected by careless people inside Vons and Target than by passing somebody on the trail unless that hiker/runner is coughing or panting in my face.
 Re: Face Masks?!
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As a retired RN, I'm a helluva lot more worried about being infected by careless people inside Vons and Target than by passing somebody on the trail unless that hiker/runner is coughing or panting in my face. Not to mention that a person with an active covid infection is less likely to feel like hiking than making a quick trip to the store.
 Re: Face Masks?!
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Not to mention that a person with an active covid infection is less likely to feel like hiking than making a quick trip to the store.
You're forgetting that many people can have the virus and not show any symptoms, but still can infect other people. So even if you're feeling fine, you may still be able to spread the virus unknowingly. As for masks on the trail: I've been pretty picky as to where I hike and bike. I generally take a long bike ride in the mornings so I can avoid most people on the trails/sidewalks. As for hiking, I try to pick trails that are less traveled. I'm getting a little sick of Mt Diablo though... In both cases, I have a buff handy in case I end up encountering a lot of people.
 Re: Face Masks?!
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Not to mention that a person with an active covid infection is less likely to feel like hiking than making a quick trip to the store.
You're forgetting that many people can have the virus and not show any symptoms, but still can infect other people. So even if you're feeling fine, you may still be able to spread the virus unknowingly. As for masks on the trail: I've been pretty picky as to where I hike and bike. I generally take a long bike ride in the mornings so I can avoid most people on the trails/sidewalks. I’m NOT forgetting about asymptomatic or presymptomatic carriers. But they could be encountered either on the trail OR in a store. The point I am trying to make here is that symptomatic people are not likely going to be out there hiking. This cuts down on the number of people that can possibly make you sick. Because of this (as well as being out in the open vs indoors and there being fewer people to begin with), you are a whole lot less likely to get sick on a trail than in a store. As for best times to hike in order to socially distance, I find that evenings work better than mornings. Most hikers actually hike early in the morning, and want to be off the trail the second the sun looks a little low. And most hikers don’t want to be out during dusk or a little after. It is during THESE times that you will most likely have the trail to yourself.
Last edited by StorminMatt; 05/11/20 11:33 PM.
 Re: Face Masks?!
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Can some one help me out here? Is the objective of social distancing to help suppress the spread in lieu of an effective vaccine?
What happens if - like HIV - a CV vaccine never actually becomes available? Now we're faced with a classic Hobson's choice.
To me that suggests the eons old traditional herd immunity strategy then becomes the default modus operandi.
Which also means that those who fear becoming effected can continue to self quarantine and/or wear protective gear while the rest of society goes back to living.
 Re: Face Masks?!
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Hobbes, not sure what your question is. I think the "what if" part is unlikely -- that no vaccine can be made available.
I suppose in that situation, that most of us would then likely contract the virus, and most would survive, and the surviving herd would then continue on. On the other hand, if those who have contracted it can get a recurrence of the sickness, we could be in for a difficult future.
I'm pretty hopeful that a vaccine will be available, and also that once contracted (or vaccinated), that we can be free of COVID-19 for a decent period of time ( a year or two? ). It would be great if we could be free forever, but that's probably too much to hope for.
 Re: Face Masks?!
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Yes, we are very much counting on a vaccine to immunize as many people as possible in order to return society to (post-pandemic) normal, and social distancing, masks, and hand hygiene are the temporary bridge to get us there. Herd immunity is the Darwinian method to achieve the same goal. Herd immunity means that close to 95% of the population would have been infected. To achieve herd immunity with this virus, I've read experts predictions of one to two million American deaths. How many rational people would be okay with that? And the icing on that cake is that is that Dr. Fauci says this virus is almost the most contagious microbe he's ever seen, which is scary. To compare, HIV AIDS is only spread by direct contact with body fluids.
I just read an article by a NY Times editor who's a previously healthy 33 year old runner now about a month into COVID illness and still can't walk more than a few blocks without stopping. She was never sick enough to be hospitalized. She says that the day before she became symptomatic, she ran 3 miles, walked 10, and was running up the stairs in her apartment building with her laundry. The next day, she felt like she had hot tar buried deep in her chest and couldn't take a full breath unless she was on all fours. Then I read about the idiots in Wisconsin and other states crowding bars and restaurants celebrating their "freedom" and I just shake my head. They're no different from the pastors and churchgoers who are "bathed in the blood of Jesus," which hasn't protected some of them from dying anyway. Listen to the scientists and doctors, people. (End of rant.)
Edit: Last figures I read from a physician involved in studying COVID: About 35% of infected people will show no symptoms while another 25% will have such mild illness that they will not feel the need to seek medical care. That's 60% of infected people who don't realize they're capable of spreading the virus. And it's not practical (or even possible) to test every single person.
Last edited by SoCal Jim; 05/14/20 05:48 PM.
 Re: Face Masks?!
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Herd immunity regarding Covid 19 is around 70%. The measles was around 95% but that had a R of 15 (one person infected 15 others). So measles was about 5-7 times more infectious. A respected biologist had this reply to a comment on hiking (whether hiking behind someone else into the wind is risky). Hiking. 3 hours of drafting someone could potentially lead to infection. But, I tend to think that the outdoor environment rapidly dilutes infectious material and the risk would be low.
But there are many caveats. Some people release huge amounts of infectious material, others very little (that is assuming they are infected). Same with infectious dose, it’s different for different people.
Of course, this was not wearing a face covering. If you're uncomfortable drafting someone then pull up a bandana that's hanging around your neck until the wind blows differently or you take point.
Last edited by bruce; 05/14/20 07:15 PM.
 Re: Face Masks?!
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Looking back, what should have been done was to quarantine all international arrivals (both people and cargo) early on, starting from January. The quarantine wouldn't end until they either test negative or until enough time has passed that they are no longer infectious. Aside from a few airline, shipping, and cruise industry bailouts, life would have gone on as usual. But of course, hindsight is 20/20.
Looking forward, the only way out of this without a cure or vaccine would be free, widespread, and rapid testing. Anything else would result in mass deaths, economic collapse, or both. If you tested negative recently, you'd be free to enter crowded bars, restaurants, stadiums, public transit, and any other densely populated area without a mask. If not, you'd only be allowed into grocery stores and would have to wear a mask at all times.
 Re: Face Masks?!
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Economic collapse already happened. Approaching 40 million unemployed Americans. How many more people‘s lives have to be ruined - including children’s - until we reopen the Country.
 Re: Face Masks?!
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The big caveat about testing, which the president didn't seem to understand when speaking about the VP's press secretary testing positive, is that you could be unknowingly infected on day 1, become contagious to others while asymptomatic on days 3 & 4 but test negative, then test positive on day 5 while possibly still feeling well. (Or not.) A test is a value in time which can change in 24 hours.
Bruce, nice to know someone else pays attention to the relevance of R0 and herd immunity levels. You're right about measles having a higher number than SARS-CoV-2.
 Re: Face Masks?!
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I hate to be the one to break the news, but there will never be a vaccine. I know, never say never, but as we know there has never been a cold vaccine. The so called annual flu vaccine is nothing more than a guess at seasonal variance.
So if there isnt a vaccine, what then is the purpose of avoiding the inevitable? Isnt it better to get sick during the longer, sunnier, warmer days of summer with plenty of fresh air, good food and exercise?
All social distancing does - if effective, which of course its not - is to push the infection curve out to fall/winter.
Of course, lets not mention everyone who is normally social has already been sick. Its why there isnt a "second wave". It also explains why the fatals are the lagging edge socially restricted and co morbids.
Lastly, how is it that ostensibly those with a high risk tolerance are so fearful of a disease that is fatal to an avg age of 80. Or that nearly one half are from nursing homes, are hugely obese and/or from NY?
From my perspective its really trippy to see so called independent outdoors people so cowed and fearful. Makes one wonder if they actually hike or climb at all.
In my peer/assoc group - Calif middle age high net worth - the majority are back to handshakes, while the women are hugging.
This thing is over; all that is left is to inform the frightened to come out and play.
Last edited by Hobbes; 05/14/20 09:22 PM.
 Re: Face Masks?!
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Hobbes, I hate to be the one to break the news, but every sentence in your post is either factually incorrect or absurd reasoning. And too much to delve into. Again, ignoring science...
 Re: Face Masks?!
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COVID-19 is just like climate change and evolution. Some of us go with the science. Some of us ignore the science and believe whatever we want to believe. The economy is screwed because tens of thousands of people are dying, not because your governor (or mine) is a malevolent idiot. The solution is better testing and contact tracing. Blindly opening up the economy and scoffing at masks and social distancing will kill a lot of people, many of whom aren’t black, brown, diabetic, or over 65. Some of those people will be your friends, neighbors, and relatives, if not you. Some of those people will be MY friends, neighbors, and relatives, if not ME. It will make the funeral directors rich, but it won’t save the economy.
I haven’t been to the doctor, ophthalmologist, dentist, or barber. I’ve been to Walmart and Home Depot once each, and my favorite Indian restaurant (for takeout) twice. But I’m not living in fear, cowering at home. I haven’t missed a day of horseback riding in six months, and I’ve tagged 67 summits so far in 2020. Lots of skiing and 11 more peaks on the Tahoe Ogul List. I plan to stay away from other people as much as I can, and wear a mask when I can’t. If everybody else does the same, we should get through this.
 Re: Face Masks?!
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Ok, let's follow the science. First, let's start with masks. From the Annals of Internal Medicine: "In conclusion, both surgical and cotton masks seem to be ineffective in preventing the dissemination of SARS–CoV-2 from the coughs of patients with COVID-19 to the environment and external mask surface." https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-1342 Now, let's move on to the mortality rate. I agree with other posters that COVID-19 appears to be highly transmissible, but it also appears to be much less deadly than the "modeling" predicted (So I guess in a way your COVID-19/climate change comparison was valid). Several antibody studies have recently been completed and the results suggest the infection rate has been much higher (to be expected given the R factor) and the true mortality rate much lower. Link to the Stanford antibody study: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.14.20062463v2 Link to report regarding the joint USC and LA County Health Department antibody study results: https://news.usc.edu/168987/antibody-testing-results-covid-19-infections-los-angeles-county/ And link to LA County's formal press release on the antibody study: http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/phcommon/public/media/mediapubhpdetail.cfm?prid=2328 Furthermore, the science indicates that nearly everyone who recovers from COVID-19 develops antibodies: https://directorsblog.nih.gov/2020/05/07...rus-antibodies/ And with respect to "at risk" populations, 40% of all COVID-19 deaths in the US have been in nursing home and assisted living populations: https://freopp.org/the-covid-19-nursing-home-crisis-by-the-numbers-3a47433c3f70 In fact, it appears the actions of the governors in our nation's "hot zones" (California, New York, New Jersey) have actually inflated the COVID-19 death toll by seeding the virus among our most vulnerable: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/24/us/nursing-homes-coronavirus.html A common sense and science-based response to a virus that we know is highly contagious yet not particularly dangerous to young/healthy populations would be to isolate those most vulnerable (i.e. nursing home, assisted living, and 80+ year old individuals) and allow the rest of us to go about our lives and develop herd immunity to this new illness. But of course, we are in an election season so I'm not holding my breath.
 Re: Face Masks?!
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Ok, let's follow the science. First, let's start with masks. From the Annals of Internal Medicine: "In conclusion, both surgical and cotton masks seem to be ineffective in preventing the dissemination of SARS–CoV-2 from the coughs of patients with COVID-19 to the environment and external mask surface." https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-1342 This was a study done with 4 participants who coughed into a petri dish from 8 inches away! No way a surgical or cloth mask will protect you from a cough from such close range! Read the comments following this crap study. Cloth masks are estimated by one respected biologist to block 50 to 70 percent of viral particles. Masks work. The four countries with this virus most under control: South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan, are also the countries with the most widespread mask use.