CaT, He won't be out of the Sierra until September.
SCG, thanks! I'll keep everyone posted as to his progress, so if/when he gets that far, we can start planning for supply meeting points. I appreciate the offers for help.
Meanwhile... Thursday evening, wagga and I drove over Walker Pass, and found several northbound PCT hikers:
Balls, GoGo, OKie girl, and Graduate. OKie is a "trail angel", someone who provides some goodies and help at any road crossing. She had set up a camp, and the three guys were enjoying her campsite hospitality.

Man! the log at Walker pass had already been signed by dozens of northbounders. They are probably struggling through the snow in the Sierra these days. Glad it's not me.
Edit 6/13/2010: Went over Tioga Pass today and through Tuolumne Meadows. The store is STILL CLOSED at TM! So no resupply for any PCT hikers if they've made it that far already. And at the 9,000 ft elevation, only about half the ground was snow free.