4:00 AM - Trail Head5:00 AM - Eledges: We were glad to have scouted this area the day before - the snow begins immediately after the first time you cross the north fork. I recommend taking the ledges instead of the bypass to any parties who aren't completely familiar with this section below LBSL.
6:00 AM - Lower Boy Scout Lake:
7:00 AM - Clyde Meadow:
8:00 AM - Upper Boy Scout Lake10:00 AM - Valley leading to Iceberg Lake: We stuck to the higher route against the valley wall on the right. There are 3 chutes to gain access to iceberg lake - i definitely recommend taking the third chute. The first chute looked sketchy and seemed to have ice and a couple rock moves at the top. The second chute is climbable but there is a large crack developing in the snow - seemed like a slide was possible sometime soon. Third chute was really nice all the way up
11:15 AM - Iceberg Lake :

There are several campsites dug out in the snow - one is large enough for two tents.
We had to abandon our summit attempt due to the storm that rolled in Monday morning. Climbers who came down the MR on Sunday May 14 told us there were 3 rappel stations from the summit down the final 400. Will try to post some more pictures when my climbing partners send some over
Happy Trails