Thank you, HikinJim, for the fine information you provide on the various stove options. Very much appreciated.
You're welcome. Glad someone reads at least some of my stuff.

Re this church group, it has been widely reported that they were in the upper Eaton Canyon, an area where the falls are located (i.e., between Idelhour Camp and down to the canyon floor) and which has been off limits for several months now.
I'm not sure where the heck they were. I keep hearing that they were outside the closure. I sure don't know of any falls to go rapelling at that are outside the closure. Who knows with news reports. The news reports say that these guys were "experienced" and that they were "hikers". Well, it sure doesn't look like they knew what they were doing, and they were attempting canyoneering rather than hiking.
I think the news media reports anyone who moves around in any fashion as a "hiker." I always cringe when they call kids with spray paint and such, "hikers."