This past Sunday was probably the worst day to be on the mountain. Two thunder storm, hail, snow hit at 5am and another at 6am.
I started my hike at 2am and made it up to trail camp at 5am when the 1st thunderstorm and hail storm hit. A group of 10 young adults ran off trail camp as 3 lighting struck within 200 yards of trail camp.
I hid under a small rock, but both gloves and shoes were pretty much soaked. The rain/hail stopped and temperature then turned cold. It started to clear up and many continued up the switchback. I then noticed a 2nd storm coming and decided to talk it over. About 5:45am, pretty much everyone who were going up the switchback ran down it. The 2nd storm looks pretty mighty and no one was going to be risk being a lighting rod on the switchbacks. Most started down the mountain.
I found a nice covered rocks area by trail camp and decided to stay put under my little cave/covers to wait the storm out. At 6am, the 2nd storm came in, full of thunders, hail, snow, and it became a complete whiteout blizzard. I waited 45 minutes for the thunder to at least goes away and for things to lighten up. The snow lighten up a bit and we made our way down the mountain.
I was bummed for not able to summit; however, I acknowledge the protocol and took safety first. I shall be back...soon.