Climbed Mt Whitney by the main trail on Saturday.
Perfect weather conditions.
Snow condition:
Trail is 98% snow free. There is some snow in the cables section which can be avoided easily. There is about a 30ft patch of snow right before you get on to the final plateau, but there is nice track through the snow patch so no danger whatsoever regarding faling or slipping.
Some small points from my experience
1. Dont carry too much water. We carried 2 liters per head and refilled at trail camp with a filter while climbing up as well as climbing down. We didnt even have filters but had iodine tablets. Many thanks to the fellow hikers who let us use their filter
2. Apart from trail camp, there are plenty of more water sources on the trail too.
3. Carry food with lot of carbs and bananas. You will need it to restore the energy once you reach the top.
4. The 99 switch backs never end. Just keep walking at a steady pace LOOKING DOWN on the trail.
5. The stretch from trail crest to the summit, is the most grueling according to me, although you gain just 800ft. The trail is very very rocky and you need to be extra cautions about your footing as there is a steep drop on one side. Plus your legs will be tired from already climbing for around 9 miles. Be mentally prepared for another 2 hrs of strenuous hiking from trail crest to summit. We thought it will be relatively flat, but were sorely disappointed after starting on that piece of trail.
6. Start as early as possible. We started at 3am, and could make it back within a relatively good time, but you always will want to spend some more time at the top.
Other than that, just have fun on the hike! Its difficult trail but not impossible