First, this was the first year of a two year study.
Second, it appeared to me, to have been done well. A reasonable number of data points. Reasonable statistics.
I was surprised by the outcome. I would not have been surprised by a small shift of hikers to thursdays and mondays. There was a HUGE shift, although Th, M were the larger beneficiaries, tu and w also were boosted.
I was not surprised by the "no show" rate. Steve had predicted that. 25%, by my quick and dirty glance.
They have some interesting predictive charts, as to different levels on the cables predicted, based upon number of actual hikers on the route.
I would agree that the data preliminarily supports daily permits, I'd guess that gets about 400 people on the trail.
I like that they are trying to get away from the "logjam" on the cables that everyone agrees is a safety hazzard.
This is good work.