I saw a recent post naming
www.spotwalla.com as a place you could link to a SPOT messenger's output to display a trip. At first look, it appears to have some nice features. But neither Spotwalla nor Google Maps have a link to topographic maps like Postholer and MyTopo.
I have found a way to use Postholer's mapping facility to display topo maps from MyTopo.com. Here's a link to the Whitney area:
Mt. Whitney on Postholer. Note that the map will display in as large an area as your browser can grow. And it is interesting that, viewing the source code of the page, it appears Postholer uses Google maps for that display. Go figure!
MyTopo.com is nice in that you can see the actual topographic map of an area, complete with trails.
Mt. Whitney on MyTopo (Click the "MyTopo" button to see the topographic map.) MyTopo has several good features: You can search for a location, and determine the Latitude/Longitude coordinates of a point on the map. But it's map window is so small, it's a big drawback.
So I can use MyTopo to find a location's coordinates, then create a URL into Postholer's map facility to get an enlarged map.
And now, I have a .kml file from
trailrunner of his hike up the Mountaineers Route that I'd really like to display on a full-size topo map like Postholer presents. Garmin presents the data on a tiny map (powered by Google)
See this. But it would be much nicer on a bigger topographic map.
I would sure love to see a site with the features of all the above!
Anybody have any ideas? I suppose I should post these questions on a Garmin forum.