Originally Posted By: DUG
Congrats and great TR!

Question - why 6L of water from Outpost? Why not 1L and keep topping off? Then at Trail Camp fill up to 3L or so. Water is heavy....................DUG

I am not sure why I did that, for some reason it seemed like a good idea at the time. By the time I got to Trail camp I was thinking "Why the heck didn't I just bring the filter and 2L?"

Originally Posted By: Steve C
Your not making Trail Camp with the load might have saved you from experiencing worse altitude problems.

I never once experienced any altitude issue, just lucky genetically I guess. Only issues I had was having to stop to let my heartrate slow down, and muscle fatigue.

Originally Posted By: Steve C
About the water: It might have lightened your load if you had taken a smaller amount, and refilled at the last water (at about switchback #9, I think) above Trail Camp. From that point, people take about 3 liters. Some people (including me) don't even filter it there.

Sad thing is I knew about that, but did not think of it at the time. There was actually water flowing all the way up to Trail Crest with the rain going on.

It's just over the next hill...