Hey guys. Making an early season trip to Whitney next week to see the snow, understand the conditions, test some new gear, and generally have a good time. Before doing so, I wanted to reach out to the group to inquire about a few things.

1. How far up the portal road until the gate closure? Is this the best jumping off point of would it be better to stay low (thinking tuttle creek for example) and take the old trail up to the portal if gate is closed? How much further would the old trail be, if any, than parking at the gate?

2. I have been reading and scouring for info on winter MWMT shortcuts, but have been unable to find any real detail. Seems like a snowfield all the way until trail camp from outpost camp. Is there a shortcut going from the portal store up towards lone pine lake I am reading about via the creek? We would like to make trail camp if possible, we are NOT going the mountaineers route.

3. Other considerations outside of weather, gearing, etc.? All that is covered and being monitored. Looking for specifically logistical advice for an early season trek.
