Greetings! Long time reader first-time poster. I'll try to summarize as much as possible to keep this short.
My wife and I attempted Whitney earlier this year, we made oodles of mistakes which we've learned from and are addressing/improving/training more for. We greatly underestimated the initial hike from Portal to Trail Camp which sapped me of my energy, and the next day we decided to just come back down (which also felt like a 100-mile trip in itself). We're on the older side and despite having hiked hundreds of miles in the past several months in preparation, we weren't carrying much weight nor were we doing the uphill (now being addressed with rucking backpack walks and thousands of step-ups).
This past weekend we strolled out to Bishop Pass and into Dusy Basin. Despite my wife previously experiencing zero issues at trail camp earlier in the summer, she got hit with extremely bad nausea just after the pass and couldn't hold down water. We descended enough to get it under control but it has made us extremely hesitant about trying to reach 14,500 after what just happened. We hydrated like crazy for days before/during, had diamox in our possession, had taken ibuprofen, but the vomiting was pretty concerning. I realize sometimes it just happens and there's nothing we can do and won't know until we go.
Two questions:
1) Some hikers we met had suggested carrying oxygen. I've done the Google searches, I've read the reviews, but it seems the "Boost" oxygen gets all the attention yet a lot of the reviews have me skeptical. I'd much more trust testimonials from experienced hikers in these forums. If you have a brand you've used and trust, I'd love to hear about it.
2) Like most of us at altitude, my appetite is gone at 12,000 feet. If we make it to trail camp without sickness and make that next-morning push to 14,500, I'm curious how many calories many of you try to consume. For example, I usually can go a great deal with a simple PB&J and Granola Bar, but I had a complete energy sap again just after 5 miles (and this was descending on the return trip from Dusy Basin to South Lake). I know it's common to continue snacking on the way up, I'm just curious if you load up on a breakfast calorie bomb at 2am before heading up.
I ask about the food because I struggle with coming out of my comfort zone. I initiate many hikes from my home in the early morning where I have the luxury of a normal breakfast, having slept in a normal bed - so starting from trail camp trying to reach Whitney is less of a physical challenge and more of a "become a hiker and stop needing to start from home" challenge. If I thought I could do the 22 miles all in one day coming from the comfort of my home, I'd attempt it, but there's no way I'll ever be able to do that. Those of you who have, my hat is eternally off to you, you are true warriors.
Any advice would be appreciated and definitely will be utilized!
Thank you.