Right on, agreed that it looks like possibly just a dusting from the cams. Additionally, weather stations at Crabtree Meadows (
https://mesowest.utah.edu/cgi-bin/droman/meso_base_dyn.cgi?stn=CBTC1&unit=0&timetype=LOCAL) and Cottonwood Lakes (
https://mesowest.utah.edu/cgi-bin/droman/meso_base_dyn.cgi?stn=CWDC1&unit=0&timetype=LOCAL) suggest that approximately .5-2" or precipitation have accumulated in the last 24 hr. Additionally, Cottonwood Lakes station shows wind mostly out of the N although it was pretty variable yesterday.
Probably best to keep an eye on the wind over the next few days as the snowpack settles. My partner and I have decided to see if it goes on Saturday and may just climb a different peak in the Meysan Basin with a more favorable aspect if we suspect moderate avy risk. I'll make sure to post some conditions on the portal area and Meysan Basin after I get back. Good luck on your attempt.