Lone Pine Peak (12943') Spring Climb Trip Report (4/11/21)
I haven't posted in a couple years, but wanted to give back after continually using this forum for my trips.
Day hiked LP Peak via Meysan Class 2 Chute from the second gate on Whitney Portal Road (7450'), adding 2 miles RT.
Started at 4:30am. Firm snow in the morning started around 9500'. Lots of route finding, because the trail is covered in snow. Microspikes recommended up to Grass Lake area (10,900'). Class 2 chute is melting fast. Took a snow line about 1000' up, then transitioned to the horrible sand and scree to the ridgeline. Used a few class 2/3 moves to avoid the scree. Full crampons, boots, helmet, axe required for the snow in the chute.
Rockfall from melting snow became apparent after 12pm. Route is snow free 0.5 miles from the ridge (12,500') to the summit.
Slow going in the chute caused me to summit at 1:30pm. Descending the chute, I took the scree and sand rather than downclimb the snow line.
Below Grass Lake, there was a fair amount of post-holing, which slowed progress coupled with route finding. Some nice glissade sections though.
Temps: 40°F to 50°F, 0mph winds amazingly; clear skies.
Totals, 15 miles, 6000' gain (extra gain due to route finding, and starting lower), full mountaineering gear. Ended at 6:30pm.



