Let's leave the unwilling out of the mix and focus on the unable, just to underscore the fairness aspect.

You are right--depending on the day, permits that are released may be scooped up in seconds. But if the permits were available online to everyone, including Inyo staff, the individuals trying to obtain a permit in person enjoy the same odds--no better, no worse--than those trying to obtain one from their desk at work, their kitchen table, or their phone. In fact, this model would even work to the in-person applicant's advantage because it would no longer make sense to restrict in-person permitting to a single location like Lone Pine. Instead of two or three in-person applicants standing at the counter when the permits are released, there could be two or three--or more--permit seekers at every visitor or Ranger station. And it would make the process more inclusive for working stiffs, stay-at-home parents, et al.