Pedro L posted this report on the Mt Whitney FB page. Posted with his permission:
Last weekend (11/28-11/29) me and my friend did a loop hiking up the Mountaineers Route and down the Main Trail. North Fork Lone Pine Creek was frozen forcing us, and another few hikers, to stay left and push through dense bushes later in a safer crossing zone. We slept at Iceberk Lake. The ice thickness was 6" on the sides. The chute was in perfect condition without any snow or ice patches. For the last 400 feet, we decided to take the Class 2 traverse due to our heavy backpacks. The main trail was also in great condition with very dry/sticky snow. We carried microspikes but didn't need them.

Ebersbacher Ledges
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Iceberg Lake
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Main Mountaineers Route chute, the notch at the top
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The traverse from the notch to the summit
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Summit picture
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