Well, I made it, but the Mountaineer's Route KICKED MY ASS.

I got on the trail at 5:38am and went up the Rockwell Shortcut and then the "slab shortcut" (which isn't much of a shortcut, but it's fun) between Lower and Upper Boy Scout Lakes... so far so good. Twice I ascended too early when trying to get to Iceberg Lake, but I made it with no mishaps. That was about the time that the altitude started really getting to me. I didn't have AMS, I was just exhausted every time I had to take a step uphill. It took me two full hours to get from Iceberg Lake to The Notch... and at least half an hour to negotiate The Final 400.

All in all, it took me 10 hours to reach the summit. Granted, part of that is because I take tons of wildflower pictures. But I think it was mostly the thin air; this was my first time ever above 12,200', and I normally reside at sea level.

The descent on the Main Trail only took 6 hours. If it'd been daylight, I'm sure the flowers would have slowed me down some more, but the sun went down somewhere between Trail Camp and Outpost Camp. I finished on the Old Trail and got back to my car at exactly 10:00pm.