Steve's comments are right on target. Though looping up the MR and main trail is fun, it would be unwise to attempt the MR for the first time with an early start. Get there a day before and do a short day hike to LBSL to become familiar with the ledges. Even with this strategy, it is safer to do the ledges in daylight, unless you know the area well AND comfortable with scrambling the section where falling is fatal. Maps and YouTube videos are helpful but you can still get lost. A fit person can easily complete the loop in 10-12 hours (I think my best time for MR round trip was 7+). Considering that hiking down the main trail is generally safe in the dark, I would opt for leaving the trailhead 30 min to 1 hour before sunrise to have enough light by the time you get to the ledges. Also, keep in mind that your scrambling experience may not be sufficient since there are two sections with high exposure. Per food, just carb load the day before and go light. First timers tend to bring more food than they can eat even at the sea level.

Last edited by Anton; 07/23/20 09:57 PM.