I hate to be the one to break the news, but there will never be a vaccine. I know, never say never, but as we know there has never been a cold vaccine. The so called annual flu vaccine is nothing more than a guess at seasonal variance.

So if there isnt a vaccine, what then is the purpose of avoiding the inevitable? Isnt it better to get sick during the longer, sunnier, warmer days of summer with plenty of fresh air, good food and exercise?

All social distancing does - if effective, which of course its not - is to push the infection curve out to fall/winter.

Of course, lets not mention everyone who is normally social has already been sick. Its why there isnt a "second wave". It also explains why the fatals are the lagging edge socially restricted and co morbids.

Lastly, how is it that ostensibly those with a high risk tolerance are so fearful of a disease that is fatal to an avg age of 80. Or that nearly one half are from nursing homes, are hugely obese and/or from NY?

From my perspective its really trippy to see so called independent outdoors people so cowed and fearful. Makes one wonder if they actually hike or climb at all.

In my peer/assoc group - Calif middle age high net worth - the majority are back to handshakes, while the women are hugging.

This thing is over; all that is left is to inform the frightened to come out and play.

Last edited by Hobbes; 05/14/20 09:22 PM.