I'm just saying that if the reports of locals vandalizing visitors' cars are true, those responsible deserve to have their jobs and businesses go under.

This might have been what Steve was referring to:

"Is Mammoth Lakes safe? Have seen stories where the locals might slash tires or wax windshields to nonlocal visitors!"

I think bruce in another thread said it best:
"The effects on the economy will be felt far worse than the virus and will need to be opened up as much as possible. Reasonable social distancing and appropriate mask wearing is 90% percent of it and everything can open up in a few months that don't include large gatherings. Fortunately hiking isn't one of them.

Shutting down hiking permits for the whole year would be like trying to kill a mouse with a bomb. The mouse is dead but you blew up the whole store in the process. I can understand cancelling large events until 2021 but not this."