Well, against my better judgment and I know I shouldn’t have done this before a even bigger hike, I drove up yesterday and climbed White Mountain Peak today.

Successfully this year. smile

Very tired and sore and it took me a lot longer than I thought it would.

But I was amazed at the condition of the road. Compared to last September it was a breeze. No flat tire is this year. It looks like they did some work on it. I was well past the spot where I got the flat last year before I realized that the former bed of rocks was now joined by sand and dirt. smile

Anyway, the bad judgement is that I’m hitting Shepherd Pass tomorrow morning. So doing White Mountain Peak could affect that trek and isn’t what I normally would do for a warmup hike. But at least I’m used to 12k to 14k now.

Tyndall and Williamson await me (hopefully). I’ll decide in Russell and Whitney as conditions unfold.