Hi all,
Have been lurking on the forum for a while now and am excited to (possibly) be headed up to Whitney this Memorial Day Weekend.
My friend and I have previously summitted Shasta, Williamson, and most recently, Orizaba and Iztaccihuatl in Mexico. We consider ourselves decently experienced, but are unsure whether this week's weather should be a red flag. You can find the forecast
We intend on starting our climb at 2 AM Sunday morning. We believe we'd be out of harm's way before Sunday evening's predicted snowfall (8 inches) and would bring bivouacs just in case. The biggest question mark for us is a) the degree of avalanche risk along the mountaineers route and b) the amount of post-holing we can expect after the snowfall earlier in the week. We'd be long post Lower Boyscout Lake by the time the sun comes up, so we believe avalanche risk should still be minimal, but we did want to get confirmation.
Thanks everyone for your help!