Originally Posted By: Jonathan C
Originally Posted By: bruce
I checked the distance from Road's End trailhead near Cedar Grove and it's only 39 miles to the summit via Forester pass.

Interesting, never realized that you could get to the summit with such low mileage from a west-side trailhead. (I always think about the HST which is more like 60+ miles to summit.) On the other hand, the trailhead you refer to is the same one for the Rae Lakes Loop, which is extremely popular and almost as difficult to get as any kind of Whitney permit during peak season. And only 5 walk-ups per day. Still, going to make a mental note of this!

I think they have a different quota system for Rae Lakes, as it's only about 9 miles in where the Rae Lakes loop goes left while you go right.
I've gotten a walk-in on Labor Day weekend so it shouldn't be difficult to reserve a permit on a less popular weekend.