Hi Everyone,
Planning to hike Whitney in a single day and wanted to ask a few questions.. thanks for your help!
1) We have to be in lone pine until late in the evening the night before the hike (till around 9PM) and want to get an early start, around 3-4AM. We are debating if we should stay at the hotel and get up early or if we should just drive to Whitney Portal and sleep in the car near the trailhead for a few hours to get an edge on acclimating. Is that safe? Do we need to worry about bears while we sleep? (NOTE: we arrive in Lone Pine the day before after a few days at ~7,000' so we have a little acclimatization already).
2) How many liters of water are recommended to take on the hike? Can we do it without refilling?
3) If we do refill, what is the last place to fill up water on Whitney? If we fill bottles and drop water purification tabs is that enough, or do we need a proper water filter to get the dirt out too?
3) What is the level of water crossings? Will the water be above our boots? Should we bring spare socks just in case?
4) Is there any snow left? Do we need to bring microspikes?
5) How is the temperature? Can we get by with a baselayer, light fleece and wind breaker? Or is that too much/too little?
Thanks in advance!! Lots of questions from a Whitney first-timer - really appreciate the help!!