Getting closer, two cocktails into the evening . . .
Getting closer, two cocktails into the evening . . .
Slammed down 5 shots of Capn Morgan...
Nope, still see two...
Wait, I see three!
Maybe 5 more and I can see a six-pack!
I am like you, Steve, WTF is he talking about?

Wayduhminnit...where's all them high falootin' words that put my medulla oblongata into sensory overload and got me to thinkin' the meaning of life as we know it 3rd rock from the fission-fusion orb that traverses our sky?
Axeman, put them words back up there and stop editin'. Please put back your original post. I want to get a psychological profile of Buffalo Bill. Oops, stop movie mode...reboot...reboot...control alt delete...danger danger...cerebellum...cerebral cortex...hypothalamus...pituitary...all gone...fainting...failing...pfffffffffffffffffffffftttt...
one tequila...two tequila...what comes after two...floor...Good night, Agent Starling...