Hello. I actually came across the 2 gentlemen on May 5 while i was setting up camp about 1/2 mile before Iceberg Lake. One of them mentioned to me about an incident that just happened regarding their friend up at MR on the way to summit Whitney. They mentioned something about leaving ice axes and if i was going up and see them, if i can grab it for them and bring it down.
At that time the conversation wasn't crystal clear so i was not for sure of the reality of the event. The following morning i successfully summited Whitney. Myself and a group of hikers that i met at the summit took the John Muir traverse trail back down. I spotted both ice axes on the trail and grabbed the closest to the trail that was reachable, the other was too far down. This part was so sketchy and really no where to go but straight down if a fall would've happened.
I hiked down with the axe, which was i assumed was rented with REI lot numbers printed all over it. I was planning to turn it in at the portal but dropped it nearing the base of the MR route and wasn't able to recover it but hoping someone else will recover it. I only found out the severity of the accident on my way home when a friend message me about a tragic accident happening the day i climbed Whitney and reconfirmed when he saw this blog.
My heart goes out to the friends and family of the gentleman who lost his life that day. And i really feel bad that i couldn't hang on long enough to return what would be the last thing he was holding onto before losing his life. I have a photo of the exact location where i spotted the axes. If any of his friends and family would like to have it, i would gladly share it. May his soul rest in peace...