Made camp Friday night at Grass Lake. Light rain on the way up, heavier rain for 15-20 minutes while trying to set up camp. Then clear skies. Gusty winds off and on all night, plus a distant rock slide. Lazy start at about 0930 by 1000 we were in fog. The chute up towards Lone Pine Peak is pretty steep, but I don't think it's as horrible as it's internet press. We summited about noon without too much effort. Back down was no work, but you have to stay focused. I slipped and tumbled once close to the bottom to earn a few small cuts and bruises. Verizon has decent service at Grass Lake and anywhere you have a line of site with town. ATT only works line of site. Sitting in the tent now listening to rain. Will try to hike up to Meysan after dinner. Back to the portal Sunday. My buddy Matt will leave me and I'll make camp with my brother. Then it's up the main trail Monday..... ...DUG