Hey there! Thanks for all the offers of support already! One week from tomorrow I fly to Seattle and barring any difficulties should be hiking out of Canada the next Friday morning. I'm aiming towards 20 miles per day at the beginning of the trip, but might not be able to make that in the first few weeks due to lingering snow in Washington. I'm hoping to get my miles up to the 23-28 per day by mid July as I need to be south of Forrester pass by October 1st. I've been planning this since November and have read extensively about the challenges of a SOBO (southbound) PCT hike. I think at this point my biggest concern is the snow in Washington. Southern California in October-November might be dry, but cooler so that should offset some of the distance between water sources. Keep me in your prayers and thoughts I've never thru-hiked before so this is going to be challenging to say the least.

You can follow my progress on my website and the links found on that page. I hope to update the journal weekly, photos and videos as often as I can mail my data cards to Steve.

Thanks again

Brett's PCT Adventure