I've used a spot for a couple of years, but found a smoking deal on an original inreach explorer (not the new garmin +) and made the switch last month. So far I've found the inreach tracks better than the spot. One rudimentary test I did was to have both devices sitting on opposite sides of my dash and logging as we drove from crater lake to my inlaws place in paradise. There were a bunch of gaps in the spot track, like no pings for 40 min when set to 10 min pings. The inreach clocked a location ping every 10 min without fail. The inreach proved handy last week while I was at a scout camp with my son. No cell coverage or phone access other than a payphone. I was able to send a message to one of the parents that was coming the next day to help shuttle scouts home that we would be ready an hour earlier than originally planned. Worked out great. So far so good.