I asked SierraNevada to recount the plans he had detailed here to resolve the solar toilet issue. His reply:
Originally Posted By: SierraNevada
As an engineer, I took exception to that and fought that battle over dozens of posts, research on backcountry toilet systems, letters to Inyo management, obtained public records from Inyo, phone calls with the Forest Supervisor and District Engineer.

This is a recounting of the efforts made to confront the forest service, but it includes no suggestion on where a positive effort should be aimed. It's alwas been that way with him.

Originally Posted By: SierraNevada
Any yet Inyo's website still implies that:
"In the past, toilets were located along the Mt. Whintey Trail. Despite numerous renovations and retrofits, they never functioned properly and were overwhelmed with waste. Sometimes the toilets and related cesspools overflowed. The toilets were removed several years ago."

That's true. They did leak, That was because there was not adequate maintenance and that was because of budget and political problems. That's what ranger George and I said and what SierraNevada said in the discussion in 2011 that I had to quote above when my position was misrepresented.
Originally Posted By: SierraNevada
I'm glad you were not in that camp back in 2011 but a lot of people were, and there are still people who don't agree that toilets are technically viable - just read this very thread. The tide has changed on that one issue since 2011 for many people on this forum, but its not "pointless" to discuss the technical viability of the toilets.

It's not only pointless but also disruptive to a discussion trying to deal with WAG bag solutions. And rather off from what really went on in 2011.

Originally Posted By: SierraNevada
Again, if you have a plan for moving forward that covers all the challenges and requirements you laid out, please focus on that one topic. ... so please focus on solutions...
I'm glad SierraNevada has come around to this view. It's a great time for him to start his first shot at it and move past the 'historic struggle' with the Forest Service,

Originally Posted By: SierraNevada
If you just want to warn everyone how difficult this issue is, please don't, we all know that and its a buzz kill. Keep it constructive.

I hope SteveC and SierraNevada can continue to move in this direction.

Dale B. Dalrymple