If 5.0 is out of the question, then I guess the next goal would be "Summit 2K"? That would be a tee shirt kind of event - late 2018 or early 2019 perhaps? I'll be there for it, even if this Georgia boy has to learn how to ski.
Actually, the next milestone is the 30-year anniversary of my first climb. I’m going to climb Cathedral Peak on July 20, and I need a partner. If you’ll buy the plane ticket, I’ll pick you up at RNO and bring the rope. And if you’ll make it for “Summit 2K”, I have two pairs of skis and two pairs of snowshoes.
Hope to catch up with you in late August or early September. Planning on a couple of weeks in the Sierra if I can manage to find the time in my hectic, way-too-young, post-retirement life.
I only have six days at home between August 14 and September 6. July 20 would work better.
BTW, there is one more statistic that I don’t think I have ever posted: I’ve done 77½% of my climbs solo (either no partner or partner didn’t make the summit).