The road up to VVR it is my favorite road in this country - at least for entertainment value, and the destination is well worth it. Don't complain about it being tight until you've driven in places like Corsica, where the locals drive like they have no strong desire to continue living, while you are dodging their speeding Citroens all puckered up, hoping not to drop over the edge of a cliff while avoiding these maniac Sebastian Loeb wanna-bes. sick

The guy who delivers fuel to the generators up at Florence and VVR really impressed me one year when I had to follow him for the final part after Kaiser Pass. He is driving this big old tanker truck that appears far too large for the road. In many places he sits hanging over the abyss as he makes turns with the truck's front wheels turning behind where he is sitting in the cab, barely on the road. His dog is always riding shotgun smile