Your strategy for hiking light is an excellent choice.
I use a Garcia bear canister when out in the wild. Others may have other preferences. You will have to make the decision to rent one or buy one.
Leave your tent at Trail Camp. Be sure there are no food items in your tent. Marmots can shred your tent to threads if there is a small morsel. Don't eat in your tent. Roll up your sleeping bag. You don't want surprises. You may want to break camp and have it stashed under a rock. That is my preference, others may have other great ideas. We live and learn on the board.
Your start time to TC seems reasonable. It is a matter of preference. I would prefer an earlier start around sunrise. It is roughly 6.3 miles at 12k elevation. Start early, take your time, enjoy Outpost Camp, Mirror Lake, Trailside Meadows. Your time of 4 hours seems really reasonable. Heck, stretch it out to 5 if you fee like it.
Your second day plan looks solid.
May I recommend that your bring a pair of foam Hearos earplugs just in case it may get a little too windy up there.
Hope this helps.