Just a little more info on repackaging. Use only Ziploc quart size FREEZER bags. The reason is that you can place boiling water in them for cooking and eat out of them. They are designed that way.
On the out side of the bag, write what the contents are, number of cups of water, and simmering time. For example: Chicken/Rice, 2 cups, 15 minutes......
When you transfer the contents, from the original packaging, seal the Ziploc by rolling out the air, thus making the package much smaller.
Now, the bag will be hot and difficult to hold and remain stable....I take a small dish which I use in conjunction with oatmeal, granola and milk. You can use the lid to the bear canister, if there is one.
Remember: You'll need to hike out toilet paper. Use a large Ziploc bag for the container.
Last edited by Paul; 04/13/15 12:13 PM.