Sorry about belaboring the point here, but #1 and #3 don't synch up - if few PCT hikers are resupplying at WP (as we assumed), then they aren't really adding much to the crowding. #2 sounds like the PCTA misunderstood the permit requirements until now. To write that "it is no longer allowed" implies a change in regulations or interpretation of regulations, which is beyond the authority of the PCTA. Poor choice of words I suppose. It still leaves open the question of whether or not a PCT hiker has an option to pay $15 directly to Inyo to resupply at WP. I'm guessing that option was never fully legit in the first place.

The end result is that Inyo fee income to manage the Whitney Zone just dropped about $20,000/yr, and we're even less likely to see PCTer's on the east side.

Last edited by SierraNevada; 02/09/15 07:53 AM.