These guys are amazing. The weather has been treating them a lot better lately. There was a lot more rain, snow and cold in the northwest than they expected. On the other hand, the terrain gets more difficult here in Cali, but at least they're on skis now.

A friend of ours met up with them in the Tahoe area. She's a triple-crown hiker (PCT twice, CDT, AT) and she was on the same discussion panel at a conference for long distance hiking, so she knew one of them. They were just as interested in what she's been up to, that's the kind of guys they are.

Here's an NPR story about their adventure, dated Jan 9. This could turn into another social media bump driving more newbies onto the JMT and PCT and other trails. I'm hoping this craze will pass in a couple years, and then we'll see a ton of used gear on Craig's list. smile

I just found a picture of her with them in Tahoe, posted on Shawn's Facebook. You might have to be logged into Facebook to see it.

Last edited by SierraNevada; 01/27/15 06:44 AM.