Golden Trout and Bighorn Sheep on a Sierra Nevada Back Country Expedition Solo - Oct. 2014 (Pics) !!!!

I am back... I just Spent 3 Weeks Alone in the High Sierra Nevada Mountains at 11,000 feet to 13,000 feet for almost 80 Miles on a Sierra Nevada Crest Route starting south of Langley and Exiting south of Big Pine . Some parts were PCT, JMT, and then Vast Stretches of Rugged Cross Country that were supplemented with Rock Climbing 5th Class Pass's and Cliffs.
This was very interesting for me with a 3 week loaded Huge Pack that was filled with winter Gear and Just over 85 Pounds at the Start . Slow at first I made my way past many Mt. Langley Summit Baggers headed out out of the Backcountry as the Snow started to Fly for several days Lightly. 16 lakes I Visited and Probably released over 200 Golden Trout or so. I cooked up and ate 8 or so ....mmmmm boy were they a treat in the Cold windy Sierra Nevada Mountains!!!! I was very close to some Bighorn Sheep for 4 days as they have gotten used to my Back and Presence, as I am by them every Year now for over Forty Years Straight.
A MSR Dragon Fly and fuel were my choice for Solid reliable Stove able to boil water or Melt Large amounts of Snow into Water as needed well as simmer Golden Trout to Perfection !!!! Gram Crackers or Maple and Brown sugar Instant Oatmeal, I Coated on the cleaned, filleted, trimmed, and Chunk ed Golden Trout , by using large freezer Bags to shake and bake them first before cooking in the Fry Pan for Dinner, Shore Line Lunches, or a Great Hot Breakfast!!!!
Cold Nights and Mornings were the Rule and Constant Wind this trip . I drank a lot of Gatorade to keep muscle cramps down and Endurance up. Hot Coffee in the Morning and Hot Coco at night. Advil and aspirin were daily dosages. ::) Small pieces of power bait, crickets, moths, and Kastmasters were the Main Presentations the golden trout hit thru out all the Lakes. The Creeks were stuffed with Smaller goldens as well. Golden Eagles, Coyote, Fox, Pikas, Marmots, Bald Eagles, Big Horn Sheep, Mule Deer, and Golden Trout were my Beautiful and Harmonious Neighbors!
Any way here are the Photos of the Trip assembled and Quite condensed ........So, Sit Back and Enjoy Pictures From Yet Another Expedition into One of the Finest Wilderness Areas on the Planet !!!! Shephards Pass was very Exciting Without giving away too much, but some should consider not entering the Alpine zone.....!!!! Yours Truly, gst
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