Edward, I like your idea. A $1,000 fine sure would help out the forestry service. Social Security numbers should be given to get a wagbag too so the forestry service can garnish wages if someone tries to skip out on paying their fine. We need to rid the trails of flakey hikers who have no respect for mother nature, their fellow man and the laws.

P.S. I have carried out other hikers wagbags on my last three hikes on the Mt. Whitney trail. On my last hike I carried out two for others and my own.

P.S.S. On one hike I think I carried out the ranger's bag. We met the ranger at trail camp one evening, he was frantically looking for something, we thought he was looking for a camp spot or gear he had stashed. It was not till the next day that it dawned on me that he could have possibly been looking for the wagbag I found hidden in the rocks. I sure hope he didn't need to use it that evening.

Last edited by lynn-a-roo; 07/12/14 05:42 PM.
