Originally Posted By: Harvey Lankford
Gary , I went to Dayton, Ohio Air Force Museum to specifically see what I erroneously thought was the last flight of the SR-71, but it could not land because of high tailwinds.

I can relate. Twice I traveled a good distance out of my way in Florida specifically to catch a shuttle launch (one was on honeymoon). Both times the mission was postponed due to weather or technical issues. Now I'll never see one. I'll just have to live with Apollo 11 being my only in-person NASA launch. Most awesome, earth-shattering thing I've ever experienced (and that includes Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin). I've read that 45 years later down the technology road, it would be almost impossible to duplicate the Saturn V today. I so wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid and teen. Damned calculus . . .