I'll echo others In saying your gender has nothing to do with my opinion. I just summited "alone" on June 12. I don't have any hiking budies and typically do hike alone, so you could say I'm used to it. My hike up Whitney had to be the most crowded solo hike ever. I met several groups of people on the way up, but only a few on the way down once I got past the JMT junction. I just set interim goals, paid attention to the terrain, stayed focused on the hike, and had a good time visiting with the other people on the trail. Lastly, I was prepared to turn around if I didn't summit on schedule or if I felt at all sick. I told myself several times that it only counts if I make it back safe and sound and that summitting Whitney was not worth any risk to my life.
While I do frequently listen to music when I'm doing a hike in familiar territory, I don't think it is a good idea to do anything that reduces your focus when trying to summit Whitney as a day trip. The physical exertion will reduce your focus already, I see no need to add to that with another distraction. Having said that, I don't mean to be critical of someone who does listen to music, I just wouldn't recommend it to someone else. Besides, there are a lot of interesting people you will meet if you socialize and it's hard to do that while listening to your i-pod.
Just go and enjoy the views, even if you don't make it to the top.