If you pull up Gmap, it looks like you can traverse in almost a straight line (maybe a slight dogleg) from Rockwell to the label 'Creek' in Wallace Creek.
Have you ever gone over Crabtree pass? If you scroll down Gmap, you can see the topo is more vertical than my planned route to Wallace, yet Crabtree is merely class 2 with -0- exposure.
Now, if it looked like this (the direct route down from Langley to Soldier/Miter), then yeah, it might give me pause:

In retrospect, it was probably not too bright solo, but at the time, it was under control. (At one point, I did have to drop my pack over a short ledge before crawling down.) But now that I will have an InTouch, I feel like I'm Supraman and can take all kinds of crazy risks! After all, SAR will have my breadcrumb - LOL.
Seriously, I'm a scaredy-cat and am willing to take a long(er) way around to avoid any mishaps. Every year a few go down, and my wife gives me "the look".