Originally Posted By: ruckustrx11
I am looking to get out for the first time this year on probably the busiest weekend of the year. Work has been crazy and I'm pretty limited on time I can currently take off.

Anyway, I plan to be up there July 3rd and at the permit office July 4th when they open. I am hoping to get walk in permits for Kearsage, Cottonwood, Shepherd, or any other trail you guys recommend.

My question is... What are the odds i am able to snag a permit or two for one of these trails?

As always. Thanks for the help!

With the enthusiasm, passion and flexibility you express, I would put your chances at snagging permits you will be happy with at 99 44/100%! Go for it. Call the permit office (IAVC) ahead, go in on the 3d when you get there (even if its a little after closing: you never know). Keep checking here, at the Hostel and the Portal. You will find a great hike. Welcome.

Last edited by saltydog; 06/22/14 07:59 PM.

Wherever you go, there you are.