A video crew follows senseFly's (
http://www.sensefly.com/) team of engineers marking a historic milestone in proof of surveying techniques, using eBee mini-drones to map the epic Matterhorn and construct a 3D model of "the most beautiful mountain".
The mission involved the coordination of several teams with multiple eBee drones taking over 2200 images in 11 flights, all within a few hours of a sunny alpine morning. The results are stunning: a high-definition 3D point-cloud made of 300 million points covering an area of over 2800 hectares with an average resolution of 20 cm. A special thanks to our partners Pix4D (
http://www.pix4d.com) for the creation of the 3D model, Drone Adventures (
http://www.droneadventures.org) for mission coordination and MapBox (
http://www.mapbox.com) for online visualisation.
Published on Oct 11, 2013